Know Before you Go: Salesforce World Tour NYC

Know Before you Go: Salesforce World Tour NYC

Salesforce World Tour NYC is just around the corner, and it promises to be an event that you won't want to miss. Whether you are new to Salesforce or a long-time customer, this event is designed to ignite your AI journey. Let's dive into what you can expect at this exciting event and why you should mark your calendar for Thursday, December 14th at the Javits Center in NYC.

The Future of Business with AI

One of the focal points of Salesforce World Tour NYC is the role of AI in transforming customer experiences and driving business success. By attending this event, you will have the opportunity to discover the latest product innovations and learn how AI is changing the game across industries. 

Learn from the Best

At Salesforce World Tour NYC, you will have the chance to learn from inspiring leaders, product experts, and real customers who have experienced the power of AI firsthand. From co-founders and CTOs to vice presidents and product marketing managers, you will hear from a lineup of industry experts who will share their insights and success stories. 

Take Your Business to the Next Level

No matter which department or team you belong to within your organization, Salesforce World Tour NYC has something for everyone. Discover how connected data and trusted AI can empower your marketing, sales, commerce, service, IT, and data teams to work smarter and be more productive. 

Industry-Specific Solutions

Salesforce World Tour NYC recognizes that different industries have unique needs and challenges. That's why you can expect specialized sessions tailored to industries such as financial services, healthcare and life sciences, communications and media, education, nonprofit, and more.

Hands-on Workshops

If you prefer a more hands-on learning experience, Salesforce World Tour NYC has got you covered. Get firsthand experience with the latest AI and data solutions through interactive workshops. These workshops will allow you to see how the Einstein 1 Platform can help you safely connect data and leverage AI to maximize the value of your CRM.

Please note that these workshops are first come, first served, and require attendees to bring their own laptops.

How to Make the Most out of Salesforce World Tour NYC?

Prepare yourself for a day of learning, networking, and innovation. From unlocking the potential of AI to hands-on experiences with the latest solutions, World Tour NYC promises to be an event that propels your business into a new era of success. 

Experts from Polar Strategy will also be there. Meet us and get personalized guidance on how to take your business to the next level using AI.

Register now and be part of the AI revolution at Salesforce World Tour NYC.

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